Sunday, January 31, 2010

Commentary - Instant Replay in Soccer?

As with every sport, time and technology force new rules or rule changes. Some sports are quick to adapt to the new situation, and then some are ran by FIFA. Now I know there is a long standing history and tradition to upload with soccer. And that running a world wide sports play by millions around the globe is no easy feat. But often times it seems as though the most powerful body is soccer is afraid of making the necessary changes to keep the sport as fair and competitive as possible. One of the biggest topics discussed is the introduction of instant replay to soccer. I'd like to take a look at a few of the pros and cons of the idea:

- Get the crucial decisions right. A game, a season or the World Cup is often defined by a single goal. But as we know all to well a hand ball, off-side or a foul can often go undetected by the referees.
- Decrease the bias in the decision. Often times refs can get away with dismissing or allowing a goal based on that split second viewing. However, with instant replay the ref would have to careful look at the play and make the decision knowing the entire world has seen the play in slow motion and knows that he has too.
- Open the door for additional technology. There are many more advancements which could be added to the game of soccer such as goal line technology, and instant replay would only help in introduce a new era of soccer advancement.

- Stop the flow of the game. No one wants to see a timeout or instant replay every five minutes. That is what is great about soccer, the flow of the game. If I want a break every 90 seconds I can watch basketball.
- Undermine the referees. If FIFA were to add instant replay, how would the referee association react? Would there be a strike? They could try to insert additional influence into the game since deciding goal scoring has been partially taken away from them.
- Constant appeals for the refs to use instant replay. If replay is added the managers, players and fans will start to call on the refs to review everything incident that has gone against them.

So with all of that in mind, whats the best decision? In my opinion instant replay should be added for goals only (for now). Not fouls, the ball going out of bounds, off-sides, etc. Once the ball has been counted as a score the referee can use video evidence to determine whether or not the goal was scored legally - i.e. handball, offsides, etc. I don't think this would take away from the flow of the game as the players are usually celebrating for a minute after the score and we at home are watching the replay four times ourselves. Too much money is invested into soccer to not get this critical situations correct. Perhaps a league (MLS) or tournament (Euro or Olympics) can take on this challenge to help push FIFA in an overall acceptance.

What are your thoughts on this issue, should instant replay be added to soccer? For what plays? How often should it be used in a game? Lets hear your thoughts in the comment section below.


  1. I agree. The best option to hopefully improve the game by making the "correct" calls when it comes to a goal would be introducing replay. But only for goals. Otherwise I believe the game would slow to a point it would upset the flow and feel of the games.

  2. Thanks for the report, good article


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